Microsoft 365 Family (One-Year Subscription; Up to 6 people)
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Microsoft 365 Family (One-Year Subscription; Up to 6 people)
From Apple
Current price: $129.95

Microsoft 365 Family (One-Year Subscription; Up to 6 people)
From Apple
Current price: $129.95
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Color: Family
One convenient subscription for up to 6 people. Microsoft 365 Family comes with premium Office apps, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and more. Each person will receive 1 TB of OneDrive cloud storage which allows you to access, edit, and share your files and photos across all your devices—all while knowing your information is always backed up and protected.
Share with up to 5 other people
For use on multiple Macs/PCs, iPhones, and iPads
Premium Office apps including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and more
1 TB of OneDrive cloud storage for each person
Ad-free Outlook email & calendars
Advanced writing assistance with Microsoft Editor
Premium features in Family Safety mobile app
Advanced file and email security
Microsoft 365 Family license key code*
Internet Access: Some Features Require Internet Access
Media: Activation Code & Download Link
Operating System: One of the three most recent versions of macOS. When a new major version of macOS is released, the macOS and the previous two versions.
Mfr. Part Number: 6GQ-01892
UPC or EAN No.: 196388208197
Note: Products sold through this website that do not bear the Apple brand name are serviced and supported exclusively by their manufacturers in accordance with terms and conditions packaged with the products. Apple’s Limited Warranty does not apply to products that are not Apple branded, even if packaged or sold with Apple products. Please contact the manufacturer directly for technical support and customer service.
* Manufacturer does not produce any CD/DVD/Flash drive for this product.